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Connie Gartin

Retired from North Carolina Highway Patrol

Connie R. Gartin retired from the NC State Highway Patrol on June 1, 2021, after 32 years in Communications. During her career, she was a Communications Supervisor, served on the committee to create the Patrol’s first Communications Officer Training Program, Statewide CTO Coordinator for the Patrol, and part of the Member Assistance Team for peer counseling. She has also been the Commandant and Lead Instructor for NCSHP Telecommunicator Basic Schools and was Chair for the NCSHP Telecommunicator Instructor Committee. Connie was certified as a General Law Enforcement Instructor and a Telecommunicator Instructor in 2005 and was awarded the Advanced Telecommunicator Certificate by the NC Department of Justice. She is a Certified School Director (NCDOJ) and coordinates and instructs in the NCDOJ’s 48-hour Telecommunicator Certification Course at several Community Colleges and trains the NC State University and the UNC System’s Emergency Communications Officers in the University Police Departments. Connie continues to teach/present at numerous APCO/NENA Conferences and enjoys traveling and time with her family and friends. Her motto is, "Can't stop, won't stop!"

Session Info


March 27, 2025
1:45pm - 2:45pm EST

I'm Not Crazy, I'm Sick

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